The following pricing is intended to show the value and return that Neptune Cluster can provide.  Software installation costs will vary based on complexity.

Competitor 1

For a 30 Site 20,000 tag scenario

Software Capital Cost

$ 154,000

Software Installation Cost

$ 15,000*

 Yearly Software Maintenance

$ 18,000
  • 20,000 tags
  • 1 Historian
  • No Redundancy
  • No Trending Package
  • Edge Analytics Unavailabe
  • External Connections Extra $$$
  • OS and Database Licensing Extra $$$


For a 30 Site unlimited model

Software Capital Cost

$ 0

Software Installation Cost

$ 15,000*

Yearly Subscription & Maintenance

$ 10,000**
  • Unlimited Tags
  • Unlimited Historians
  • Unlimited Clients
  • Redundancy
  • Dashboard and Reporting Package
  • Edge Analytics built-in
  • External Connections Included
  • No OS Licensing required
  • Store and Forward at ALL nodes!
  • GIS Link Included
  • Machine Learning Addon

Competitor 2

For a 30 Site 20,000 tag scenario

Software Capital Cost

$ 192,000

Software Installation Cost

$ 15,000*

Yearly Software Maintenance

$ 21,000
  • 20,000 tags
  • 1 Historian
  • No Redundancy
  • 1 User Trending Package
  • Edge Analytics Unavailable
  • External Connections for Extra $$$
  • OS Licensing Extra $$$

* software installation costs will be variant based on the integration firm’s hourly rate and complexity of the system

** yearly subscription fee has three tiers ($5000, $10,000 and $15,000) and is determined by site count and population served