The Trident Historizer is responsible for the aggregation and long term storage of time series data. With the ability to read and write millions of data points per second, you will be amazed by its performance. With a built in health dashboard to give a birds eye view of the overall system, and live tag values, you’ll understand instantly the current state of Neptune Cluster. It also comes with a direct query tool for ad-hoc trending and data export. Finally with the included REST API, connect your time-series data to other line of business applications with ease. Game changing!

Time-series data storage into NOSQL high performent masterless database cluster with redundancy and replication.
Direct Query Tool
Simple trending package to pull, view and save adhoc query data in the system. Built for speed.
Health Dashboard
Bird’s eye view health dashboard gives a detailed overview of the entire cluster for the administrator of the system.
Ability to connect to other historian databases to pull data into Neptune Cluster system. Sit back and enjoy the speed improvements of accessing this data, while offloading burden from legacy systems.
Connect Neptune Cluster to third party applications.
Tag Values
Dashboard showing live tag values for validation and troubleshooting