Neptune Cluster can pull real-time data from 3rd Party IoT Devices for the Water Industry

Over the last five years, there have been more and more market players trying to help the water and wastewater industry by providing services related to remote real-time monitoring of the water and wastewater infrastructure. These services include monitoring:

  • Sewer flows
  • Sewer levels
  • Distribution pressure
  • DMA flows
  • Rainfall
  • etc.

This valuable information is typically collected, transmitted and stored in the cloud of the service provider. To make this information more accessible and valuable, Neptune Cluster has developed its cloud API Triton Edge Messenger to collect and store into the Neptune Cluster system. This allows all data sources to be available in one convenient and powerful location utilizing the dynamic visualization, alerting and machine learning tools provided by Neptune Cluster. This information can also integrate into SCADA platforms as well as GIS systems.

Triton Edge Messenger modules have been developed for the following 3rd party cloud hosted real-time data systems.

Additional modules can be developed as required.

Sewer flow, sewer level

Distribution pressure from hydrants

DMA Flow and Pressure

Sewer flow, Water flow and pressure

Distribution flow, Water quality, Water pressure, Sewer flow

Sewer flow


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